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  • 2022-23 Editors-in-Chief

Admiral Callaghan Awards Dinner

Essay winners gathered for a photo: (in order left to right) Addie Vida '24, Quinn Gomes '25, Caleb Fordyce '26, and Evelyn Conboy '26

The Commons doors opened on the evening of May 3, inviting in students, parents, and honorary veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Gathering in celebration of the 12th annual Callaghan Essay Contest, guests commemorated guest speaker Colonel Christopher A. Tavuchis of the Marine Corps and his fellow veterans seated around him.

For this year’s essay prompt, the Callaghan Society encouraged writers to consider the implications of AI on humanity, as well as the relationship between the benefits of AI with St. Ignatius’ and Admiral Callaghan’s values.

The dinner also included the announcement of the 2023 Admiral Callaghan Essay Contest winners which included: Cayden Tu ’24 (1st), Addie Vida '24 (2nd), Caleb Fordyce '26 (3rd), Quin Gomes '25 (Sophomore Award), and Evelyn Conboy '26 (Frosh Award). Congratulations to our award winners!

The gathering heard from the Admiral Callaghan Society’s outgoing president Ben Harrison '83 as well as SI’s Vice President of Advancement Joe Vollert '84 who introduced the new president of the beloved organization, Marcus Gaetani '95.

Since its development at SI, the Admiral Callaghan Society has become an integral part of the Ignatian perspective that many Wildcats follow each day- to be men and women with and for others.

Jeslyn Oum '24 is a Vol. 71 Editor-in-Chief and Kate Quach '25 is a Vol. 71 Associate-Editor-in-Chief

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