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Scared to See

Alexis Paras ‘25

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Have you ever watched something—a play, a movie—and felt impacted in a specific way by the ideas? As we observe the world around us, this feeling often occurs. One of the most common ways of observing the world is through art. Whether it’s through TV shows or music, we are constantly told how to view the media.

Imagine your favorite superhero comic. Who is the villain and who is the hero? What makes them that way? Is it their actions, good or bad? Perhaps their coloring, red or blue, is welcoming or mysterious. As viewers, we are often told which lenses to view media through. However, it is crucial to make sure that we are not only using this lens. In the superhero comic you thought about before, what would happen if you saw the story as the villain being the hero and vice versa? Would anything be different? Would you learn something about the villain you may not have known before? If everyone changed their perspective and didn’t let themselves be held back by their social-location, the world would be much more open minded. Next time you observe the world through media and entertainment, try to change your perspective. If you break through the fear, you might just find something you’ve never seen before.

Alexis Paras ‘25 is a Vol. 71 Contributing Editor

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